Aims & Objectives

The goal of the Organization is that PWD attain highest possible levels of well-being ensuring full participation in social life and development. Towards this end, Antifire aims at creating opportunities for the PwD equal to those of the whole population having equal stake in the vibrations and developments taking place in the socio-cultural and economic life. In this respect, the various undertakings of the Santhigiri as of now, specifically addressing Persons with Disabilities (PwD) may be stated as running Foster Care cum Formation Centre, Regular Schooling Program, Vocational/professional educational program, Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) Programs, Barrier-free Housing, Health Extension Services, Self Help Group (SHG) formation, Innovative Employment Promotion and Job Placement, Matrimonial Data Bank, Help Line, Liaison and Institutional Linkage Services etc. In effect, SRI serves as a central institution in the whole State of Kerala for the innovative development of PWD and resource centre for NGO sponsored rehabilitation services for the disabled persons.